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Telebachilleratos celebrate 1st WER Tournament 2024

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Telebachilleratos celebrate 1st WER Tournament 2024

Around 160 Community Telebachillerato students participated in the tournament. 15 teams manage to position themselves in a state-level ranking Pur

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Around 160 Community Telebachillerato students participated in the tournament. 15 teams manage to position themselves in a state-level ranking

Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

Some 160 students, from 41 Community Telebachilleratos -TBC- in the State of Guanajuato, demonstrated their skills, creativity and teamwork, in the 1st WER State Tournament 2024.

The WER Tournament is an education robotics competition that seeks to promote the cognitive and socio-emotional development of students, so 60 teams made up of students from 41 TBC campuses, from 17 municipalities in Guanajuato, met at the facilities of the Purisima del Rincon Sports Unit.

Ricardo Narváez Martínez, Rector of the UVEG, marked the beginning of the activities of this event, saying that “The WER Tournament is a real demonstration of the talent, dedication and passion that each one of you bring to our institution. This tournament, organized with care and commitment, has served to strengthen the ties between our different areas and to highlight the value of teamwork and perseverance”.

Rogelio Carrillo Guerrero, Director for Comprehensive Training in Higher Secondary Education of the SEG, highlighted the importance of always working as a team, especially in resolving conflicts both in school coexistence and in daily life; in addition to congratulating Rector Ricardo Narvaez Martinez, because “establishing these types of challenges with young people is something important, so that they can demonstrate their talent and dedication, what they have learned, what they have created and what they can achieve. Robotics is not just about building a robot, it is about solving problems, working as a team and thinking critically. It doesn’t matter if they win or lose, what is important is that they have gotten this far”.

Saul Salazar Barbosa, Director of IT at CONALEP, invited young students to take advantage of these opportunities to develop their skills.

Through robotic challenges, especially in robot programming, the students put into practice their knowledge in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, as well as in problem solving, with which 15 teams managed to position themselves in a Statewide ranking.

“This opportunity is unique because this tournament will push us to reach the finals where we will compete at an international level”, said Leslie Esperanza Belman Moreno, from the Santa Rosa Temascatio Telebachillerato, representing the student community.