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Tag: Youth

Abilities and skills are developed by JuventudEs

Abilities and skills are developed by JuventudEs

Academia JuventudEsGto through its web portal will help those interested to consult the materials designed to strengthen their abilities Más Gto/L [...]
JuventudEsGTO promotes social impact projects

JuventudEsGTO promotes social impact projects

From Foro Nodo 2024 actions and projects will be created to benefit the youth community of Guanajuato The platform provides support to municipalit [...]
Concert of the Youth Symphony Musical Winds

Concert of the Youth Symphony Musical Winds

The Musical Winds Youth Symphony Orchestra, made up of the most outstanding students of this training program, will offer its last concert of the yea [...]
Governor presents the Youth with Greatness State Award 2023

Governor presents the Youth with Greatness State Award 2023

Thirteen young people are recognized for their conduct, dedication, example of human development, professional growth or good practices The winner [...]
Congress for Empowerment of Youth has started

Congress for Empowerment of Youth has started

Spaces for youth participation are generated and with knowledge, reflection and dialogue the youth are empowered as agents of change Guanajuato ha [...]
Commitment with children and youth is confirmed

Commitment with children and youth is confirmed

State authorities and the University of Guanajuato lead the award ceremony of the State phase of the 29 Children's and Youth Drawing and Painting Con [...]
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