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Tag: WTO

Jalpa celebrates Walnut and Quince

Jalpa celebrates Walnut and Quince

The Best World Tourism Village of Jalpa de Canovas is ready to receive thousands of visitors in the 6th Gastronomic Show of the Walnut and Quince on [...]
Jalpa de Canovas ratified in its “Magic”

Jalpa de Canovas ratified in its “Magic”

Purisima del Rincon maintains for 11th consecutive year its emblem as a Magic Town in its community of Jalpa de Canovas Mayor Roberto Garcia Urban [...]
Jalpa de Canovas to receive world emblem

Jalpa de Canovas to receive world emblem

The Magic Town Jalpa de Canovas in Purisima del Rincon received the emblem Best Tourism Village granted in mid October by the World Tourism Organizat [...]
Jalpa de Canovas is nominated to WTO emblem

Jalpa de Canovas is nominated to WTO emblem

In Purisima del Rincon all are working to earn the emblem “Best Tourism Villages” of the international organism There are 8 positions for Mexico, [...]
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