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Tag: ViajaaGuanajuato

1 220 / 20 POSTS
Governor  inaugurates Medical Unit in Leon

Governor  inaugurates Medical Unit in Leon

The hospitals UMAPS have enough medicines, they have complete medical teams with corrective and preventive maintenance 17.4 million pesos were inv [...]
MSMEs are the engine of the economy of Guanajuato

MSMEs are the engine of the economy of Guanajuato

Governor attends the 2nd Business Meeting CANACO Leon "Capitalizing actions into results" Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en esp [...]
Planet Youth badges are granted in Purisima

Planet Youth badges are granted in Purisima

Purisima del Rincon promotes healthy lifestyles for children and adolescents Parents, officials and Authorities have agreed on an action plan for [...]
Guanajuato protects nature

Guanajuato protects nature

Conservation works were carried out in more than 468 hectares in 31 municipalities with 9 conservation works every week of the year covering 2/3 of t [...]
High-level forum Europe–Mexico

High-level forum Europe–Mexico

This Friday, November 4, the Europe-Mexico High Level Forum will be held in Guanajuato City, as a result of the alliance of the Friedrich Naumann Fou [...]
Gto: Role model in Digital Transformation

Gto: Role model in Digital Transformation

Guanajuato won the Digital Transformation category, in the XII Awards for Best Practices of Local Governments 2022, of the Alcaldes de Mexico Magazin [...]
Program ‘Culture for All’ begins

Program ‘Culture for All’ begins

Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en español: SEG and Forum Cultural Guanajuato join efforts to benefit more than 2,000 studen [...]
UVEG celebrates 15th anniversary

UVEG celebrates 15th anniversary

Authorities, collaborators and experts meet in the UVEG headquarters All celebrate international reach with their virtual classrooms Da click e [...]
Guanajuato invests in education

Guanajuato invests in education

The State Government builds a modern school in Valtierrilla, Salamanca The new building has new equipment that includes elevator Da click en el [...]
Ale es Alcalde Electa

Ale es Alcalde Electa

Consigue un Cabildo sólido con dos síndicos y siete regidores azules; está lista para sumar a la oposición por el bien de los leoneses. Ale Gutiér [...]
1 220 / 20 POSTS