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Tag: ViajaaGuanajuato

1 215 / 15 POSTS
Gto: Role model in Digital Transformation

Gto: Role model in Digital Transformation

Guanajuato won the Digital Transformation category, in the XII Awards for Best Practices of Local Governments 2022, of the Alcaldes de Mexico Magazin [...]
Program ‘Culture for All’ begins

Program ‘Culture for All’ begins

Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en español: SEG and Forum Cultural Guanajuato join efforts to benefit more than 2,000 studen [...]
UVEG celebrates 15th anniversary

UVEG celebrates 15th anniversary

Authorities, collaborators and experts meet in the UVEG headquarters All celebrate international reach with their virtual classrooms Da click e [...]
Guanajuato invests in education

Guanajuato invests in education

The State Government builds a modern school in Valtierrilla, Salamanca The new building has new equipment that includes elevator Da click en el [...]
Ale es Alcalde Electa

Ale es Alcalde Electa

Consigue un Cabildo sólido con dos síndicos y siete regidores azules; está lista para sumar a la oposición por el bien de los leoneses. Ale Gutiér [...]
1 215 / 15 POSTS