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Tag: TraveltoGUanajuatyo

1 2 10 / 12 POSTS
Guanajuato’s Attorney and Security recognized by USA

Guanajuato’s Attorney and Security recognized by USA

The SSPEG and the FGE receive joint recognition from the USA government by placing themselves in first place of State with access to the e-Trace syst [...]
Purisima celebrates Greatness of Guanajuato

Purisima celebrates Greatness of Guanajuato

State and Municipal Authorities lead the Citizen Verbena as part of  the celebrations of the 200 Years of Guanajuato as a free and sovereign federati [...]
US Consul General in Mexico visits C5i

US Consul General in Mexico visits C5i

Mr. Scott M. Renner, the Consul General of the Embassy of the United States of America in Mexico,  visited the C5i State System of the Secretary of P [...]
SDES promotes and supports self-employment

SDES promotes and supports self-employment

The secretary delivered equipment and tools from the 'Mi Negocio, contigo si' program 69 families from the municipalities of Irapuato and Abasolo [...]
Professional soccer returns to Irapuato

Professional soccer returns to Irapuato

The State Government will intervene in the 'Sergio Leon Chavez' Stadium with structural improvements Da click en el link al final de la nota para [...]
Youth X GTO shows the greatness of Guanajuato

Youth X GTO shows the greatness of Guanajuato

The program generates a State exchange of young people through volunteering Antonio Navarro, general director of JuventudEsGTO, led the championin [...]
Secretaries and Universities united for high-end education

Secretaries and Universities united for high-end education

Guanajuato will promote world-class education with the "100 million apprentices" initiative The program brings closer high quality courses that wi [...]
Use the opportunity and collaborate: Santillana

Use the opportunity and collaborate: Santillana

The 9th. Industry 4.0 and Technological Convergence Seminar is held and organized by the School of Higher Studies, Leon ENES-UNAM Logistics is pos [...]
Municipalities get Security gear

Municipalities get Security gear

The State Government, through the State Public Security Secretary, delivers equipment to 30 municipalities of Guanajuato Governor presides over th [...]
Guanajuato conserves indigenous tongues

Guanajuato conserves indigenous tongues

The main languages ​​spoken are Uza or Chichimeca Jonaz, Otomi Purepecha and Mixteco Guanajuato bets on the preservation of mother tongues [...]
1 2 10 / 12 POSTS