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Tag: training

1 5 6 7 8 9 70 / 82 POSTS
Guanajuato trains its teachers

Guanajuato trains its teachers

More than 2,000 school authorities in the North region of Guanajuato strengthen legal and preventive issues SEG exceeds goal in training actions f [...]
Rowing premises are completed

Rowing premises are completed

A warehouse was built in the Sports Unit of the Metropolitan Park to store the training boats An investment of more than 2.3 million pesos was mad [...]
UVEG and SDES promote talents

UVEG and SDES promote talents

Both institutions sign an agreement to promote the development of talents of Guanajuato and generate more conmpetitive profiles Mindfulness is wit [...]
MIT reaps Mindfacture in Guanajuato

MIT reaps Mindfacture in Guanajuato

The entrepreneurship acceleration program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology consolidates the Valley of Mindfacture Da click en el link [...]
Tourism grows fast after pandemic

Tourism grows fast after pandemic

The Governor presented Merit Awards for Tourism Innovation and Competitiveness 2022 to commemorate World Tourism Day Da click en el link al final [...]
Guanajuato certificates its work force

Guanajuato certificates its work force

In Guanajuato, talent is developed and the professional vocation ofGuanajuatenses is recognized The SDES strengthens the different job skills of G [...]
IECA and APIMEX bet on training

IECA and APIMEX bet on training

Both institutions agree on working to face and avoid a crisis in the work-force The goal is to train the staff of the companies associated to APIM [...]
US trains Mexican agents in Guanajuato

US trains Mexican agents in Guanajuato

The course shows the commitment of Guanajuato in fighting organized crime, said Dorian Molina The US agencies INL and ATF trained in Guanajuato ag [...]
More than 9,000 workers have been trained

More than 9,000 workers have been trained

People from unions and work centers, have been benefited with the Labor Training Programs. 141 training sessions have been given on labor regulati [...]
‘Autolab 4.0’ strengthens training

‘Autolab 4.0’ strengthens training

The goals is to train and reinforce useful knowledge for companies on general working conditions and labor regulations Work is under way so that r [...]
1 5 6 7 8 9 70 / 82 POSTS