Tag: Secret sales

Security strengthened in GTO Puerto Interior
12 new FSPE patrols come into operation to strengthen surveillance and prevention in Guanajuato Puerto Interior
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The Cristo Rey monument is refurbished
The monument, with almost 80 years, recovers its original aspect after the work of 46 people
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Technology is used to improve education
The elementary school Constitucion in Aguas Buenas, in Silao, is an example of the application of technologies to improve learning
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Hirotec Tooling celebrates 10 years in Guanajuato
We endorse our friendship with Japan, its companies continue to be our main business partners: Governor
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It is never late for education
92-year-old silaoan concludes primary school with INAEBA
21 Guanajuatenses aged 90 and over learned to read, write, or earned their primary a [...]

CEAG bids water works
CEAG published the tender to build the water works
The tender is for water actions in Silao and Tarimoro
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Guanajuato–Silao highway is kept in good shape
More than 6.6 MP are invested to keep it in optimal conditions
The length of this State highway that connects the Capital with Silao is 14.1 kilom [...]

The State brings services closer for everyone
Governor inaugurates Office of the Civil Registry 08 in the INGUDIS of Silao
This office at the Attention Center for the Visually Impaired of INGU [...]

Harting expands its plant in Puerto Interior
The Harting Technological Group invests 377 million pesos in this new stage and generates 192 new jobs
The German company is one of the world's le [...]

Come and visit the ‘Son and Agave Festival’
The Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato and Parque Guanajuato Bicentenario reactivate the economy of the producers and of Silao through these events t [...]