SDES supports 1,191 productive projects
The program “Confio en Ti” supports the consolidation of projects and businesses
The program helps create jobs helping elders, adults, young p [...]

Made in Gto: Success stories on TV4
The documental series presents 11 exporting companies from Guanajuato that tell great stories
The second season is on with 8 chapters that sho [...]

‘An inspiration to dress you up’
The event is presented to position Guanajuato as a platform for the fashion industry in Mexico and abroad
“Guanajuato inspiración que viste, Novem [...]

Training for a better workforce
The development of competencies and talent the productive sector and human skills are promoted in Guanajuato
Workers of companies in the produ [...]

Le Bélier to invest US$100 million
The Governor notes that high end European industries with a high level of automation and 4.0 industry trust in Guanajuato
The world leader in alum [...]

Investment for plant in Puerto Interior
ITT Motion Technologies is a world leader in production of brakes and shock absorbers
The company will invest US$40 million at its plant in Si [...]

‘There is no room to put these bodies’
The rate of Covid 19 deaths has increased in 42 US states in the last week, according to new data, as the spread of the more virulent coro [...]

CIATEC: 45 years of pioneering
The Center celebrates being at the core of the technological development in Guanajuato
The institution is a referral within the ecosystem for [...]

Denso is expanding in Silao
The cornerstone of the third expansion of the Denso Plant in Silao will have a starting investment of 9.8 million dollars
With this expansion [...]

ANPIC reports sales for 236 million
Suppliers came in great numbers to the ANPIC fair, but buyers were also eager to come and do business
The suppliers fair returned to its in pe [...]