Ten sites now “Live Great Stories”
The tourist brand “Live Great Stories” will come to more tourist destinations all over Guanajuato
This program is working to create strategies [...]

Nurses in Guanajuato are honored
The State Governor said that he is committed to guarantee the jobs of all the staff of the State Health System
Tens of nurses were representativel [...]

Training the work-force of Guanajuato
More than 10 thousand workers have been trained to make it easier for them to go into better jobs and opportunities
SDES has the best strategies t [...]

SDES supports Start-Ups
The Start-Up Network of Guanajuato creates, develops and helps new entrepreneurs from Guanajuato, promoting self employment and pushing the local eco [...]

SDES certifies workers
The program of “Normalization and Certification” goes on in 2021 and it has already certified 2,871 people
The goal for SDES is to keep promoting [...]

Guanajuato closes 2020 with investment
Even amid the Covid 19 crisis new investments were secured for Guanajuato
Global Companies trust in Guanajuato
The new agreements are within an [...]

Prepare for a year’s end at home
Contagion keeps at high levels, and Authorities urge people to increase self protection against Covid 19.
At Gto News we wish to inform about the [...]

From the Agave to your Table
Production the plant for tequila and mezcal is promoted and supported in Guanajuato
The hills of the 'Gavias' in Romita yield much appreciated aga [...]

A constant economic reactivation
Guanajuato is in a process of economic recovery for the fourth month in a row after the hard blow of the Covid 19 pandemic
The economic strategies [...]

Hats from Guanajuato to the world
The industry of “El Rincon” joins forces and puts up a virtual Congress, the 'Ruta de Sombreros'
Expert hands are producing the best hats for the [...]