Tag: puertointerior

It’s a Holiday, Stay home
English variant infects even those with a surgical masks
Less aggressive but more contagious, the English variant of covid is in Rome. Pier Luigi [...]

SDES certifies workers
The program of “Normalization and Certification” goes on in 2021 and it has already certified 2,871 people
The goal for SDES is to keep promoting [...]

Guanajuato closes 2020 with investment
Even amid the Covid 19 crisis new investments were secured for Guanajuato
Global Companies trust in Guanajuato
The new agreements are within an [...]

Prepare for a year’s end at home
Contagion keeps at high levels, and Authorities urge people to increase self protection against Covid 19.
At Gto News we wish to inform about the [...]

A constant economic reactivation
Guanajuato is in a process of economic recovery for the fourth month in a row after the hard blow of the Covid 19 pandemic
The economic strategies [...]

More companies come to Guanajuato
Trasvase starts operations at the cargo area of Ferroenlaces, Gentherm exports for Premium vehicles
Gentherm has more jobs in its plans for 2021

Robotics in basic education
The new subject provides young students with a window to technological innovation
Young students are motivated to learn robotics
Robotics is no [...]

Guanajuato attracts investment
There are 58 noted investment in the auto-parts industry, services, metalmechanics, new technologies, plastics, textile, aeronautics, agro-industry, [...]

Better training at Pirelli
State Authorities and Pirelli Officials recognized the staff that completed the training program
The State Training Program is having great result [...]

Pollmann arrives in Guanajuato
Guanajuato keeps growing as more and new companies come to operate in the State
Good news for the economy of Guanajuato
In the last 25 months 5 [...]