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Tag: Professionalization

Local Police will be professionalized

Local Police will be professionalized

The challenge is to make of municipal police corps useful, reliable and modern institutions, as they are the first contact with citizens when they ar [...]
Guanajuato firm against corruption

Guanajuato firm against corruption

The Secretary of Transparency and Accountability works to secure professionalization, and combat corruption and impunity Guanajuato/Gto News Th [...]
Public ethics is strengthened in Guanajuato

Public ethics is strengthened in Guanajuato

The goal is the use of professionalization programs, updating of technological tools, evaluation processes, and monitoring of State and Municipal ins [...]
<strong>In Guanajuato the tourism sector is professionalized</strong>

In Guanajuato the tourism sector is professionalized

The International College of Professionals Specialized in Tourism and Gastronomy is constituted in Guanajuato Da click en el link al final de la n [...]
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