Tag: platform
Education is improved for handicapped
INAEBA offers COA Platform with accessibility features to bring closer and make easier education fort Guanajuatenses with disabilities
Más Gto/Leo [...]

COFOCE and CICEG agree to promote exports
COFOCE and CICEG seek to boost exports of the footwear industry by signing a collaboration agreement
Both institutions will work in favor of the e [...]

The taxi App SIGO GTO is launched
SIGO GTO the taxi platform App started in the Celaya zone as a pilot test and will later be released to all of Guanajuato
With no dynamic rates, h [...]

Guanajuato consolidates its logistics platform
Logistics Cluster and CACANAR organize Transport Logistics Forum
The head of SDES presents the challenges and perspectives for the sector
Da cl [...]

The 6th Edition of ForoGo is presented
This event is a meeting point where entrepreneurs can change their way of thinking and doing business, offering their products and services from Mind [...]

Platform Valley of Mindfacture.com, presented
Governor of Guanajuato announces that the call is open for the winner of the MindFacture Guanajuato prize
It is the best point of reunion for [...]

Platform MAS MEXICO by CBO Alliance
Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Queretaro and San Luis Potosi join efforts to put up a productive offer and link companies from their States wit [...]

A virtual festival for ‘El Rey’
The International Festival Jose Alfredo Jimenez is held this year in a digital format
The 11th edition of the Festival will be a unique editio [...]

ANPIC and DIVEX generate more than 13 thousand business opportunities
The two organisms find out that it is possible to, on a virtual platform, ge [...]

A Digital Village for artisans
Preserving the culture and tradition of one region, led thousands of artisans from around the world to make a greater effort to take their products t [...]
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