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Tag: Orion

In progress, Artemis Mission crew modules

In progress, Artemis Mission crew modules

The Orion spacecraft for NASA’s crewed Artemis II (right), Artemis III (left) and Artemis IV (center) missions are stationed next to each other insid [...]
Orion comes back from the Moon

Orion comes back from the Moon

After a 25.5 day mission in space, the Orion capsule splashed down in the Pacific Ocean some 20 minutes from noon. NASA informed on the succesful unm [...]
NASA sets live coverage of Orion’s return, splashdown

NASA sets live coverage of Orion’s return, splashdown

NASA will provide live coverage of the Artemis I uncrewed Orion spacecraft’s return to Earth on Sunday, Dec. 11. The agency also will host several [...]
To the Moon and beyond

To the Moon and beyond

Artemis I is the first integrated flight test of NASA’s deep space exploration system: - The Orion spacecraft, Space Launch System (SLS) rocket an [...]
Orion enters lunar sphere of influence

Orion enters lunar sphere of influence

Five days into the 25.5-day Artemis I mission, Orion continues on its trajectory toward the Moon. Flight controllers in the White Flight Control R [...]
Liftoff! NASA’s mega rocket launches Orion to Moon

Liftoff! NASA’s mega rocket launches Orion to Moon

Following a successful launch of NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS), the most powerful rocket in the world, the agency’s Orion spacecraft is on its way [...]
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