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Tag: MIQ

Realism and illusion at the MIQ Museum

Realism and illusion at the MIQ Museum

Two new exhibits come to the Iconographic Museum of Don Quixote, “Everything is good, everything is bad” and “Breakfast: Humid dawn of a sleepy skin” [...]
Sinfonietta MIQ comes to the Auditorium

Sinfonietta MIQ comes to the Auditorium

The group is an initiative of  Juan Trigos, supported by the Iconographic Museum Don Quixote; 25 musicians play for Sinfonietta and the soprano [...]
Cervantino: MIQ celebrates 50 years of FIC

Cervantino: MIQ celebrates 50 years of FIC

The Don Quixote Iconographic Museum celebrates the 50th anniversary of the International Cervantine Festival –FIC- and its 35th anniversary with a tr [...]
Inclusive Theater at the State Fair

Inclusive Theater at the State Fair

The Iconographic Museum El Quijote and the Guanajuato Institute for Handicapped People bring “Word by Sign” theater Mexican Sign Language for the [...]
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