Tag: MexicanArmy

SEDENA reinforces security in Guanajuato
500 elements of the National Guard arrived in Guanajuato to strengthen Public Security
Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en españo [...]

An Army that is close to people
A boy ‘high-fives’ a Mexican Army soldier who is in a security activity in a zone of Irapuato, Guanajuato.
According to the mother of the kid, he [...]

SEDENA has over 6 thousand elements in Guanajuato
Another 1,550 elements arrive to support actions for public security
SEDENA and the National Guard reinforce the Public Security in Guanajuato wit [...]

1,200 elements arrive in Guanajuato
The personnel arriving belong to the Mexican Army, the Air Force and the National Guard
The elements are assigned to do their tasks in Apaseo El A [...]
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