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Tag: Jóvenes

Muestran jóvenes su apoyo a Libia

Muestran jóvenes su apoyo a Libia

Durante el Libia Fest en Irapuato los jóvenes militantes y simpatizantes entregaron sus propuestas a la Precandidata a la Gubernatura por el partido [...]
Youth X GTO shows the greatness of Guanajuato

Youth X GTO shows the greatness of Guanajuato

The program generates a State exchange of young people through volunteering Antonio Navarro, general director of JuventudEsGTO, led the championin [...]
The keys to development: Contigo Sí

The keys to development: Contigo Sí

The Governor presented results in Mindfacture and attention to youth on the occasion of the Fourth Government Report Young people have the strengt [...]
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