Tag: Jobs
Construction is booming in Guanajuato
The sectores active in the State, promoting investment, jobs and spending
Construction is active all over the State of Guanajuato
The value of [...]
A constant economic reactivation
Guanajuato is in a process of economic recovery for the fourth month in a row after the hard blow of the Covid 19 pandemic
The economic strategies [...]
Guanajuato attracts investment
There are 58 noted investment in the auto-parts industry, services, metalmechanics, new technologies, plastics, textile, aeronautics, agro-industry, [...]
Better training at Pirelli
State Authorities and Pirelli Officials recognized the staff that completed the training program
The State Training Program is having great result [...]
Auto industry at full steam
It is great that the Auto Cluster in Guanajuato considered as the most dynamic in Latin America is working at the limit said the Governor of Guanajua [...]