Tag: Infrastructure

SECTUR holds 3rd. Social Tourism Day
The International Social Tourism Organization -ISTO- recognizes Guanajuato as a socially conscious destination
Guanajuato has made important progr [...]

Governor announces arrival of AB Medical
AB Medical, from South Korea, arrives in Guanajuato with a new plant to manufacture blood collection tubes
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Okita Iron Works will invest 40MD
The Okita Iron Works company, leader in the production of bearings, ratified its commitment to invest 40 million dollars and generate 200 new direct [...]

In Guanajuato the tourism sector is professionalized
The International College of Professionals Specialized in Tourism and Gastronomy is constituted in Guanajuato
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Leon has better road connection
More than 229 million pesos are invested in public works delivered and supervised by the Governor
With these works, the State Government guarantee [...]

More infrastructure for Irapuato
With more works and actions we improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Irapuato: Governor
The Governor delivers road, social and sports [...]

Tower of Specialties is closer
An investment of more than 116.3 million pesos is used in its construction in Irapuato
It will be completed in August 2023, according to the works [...]

Tourist Observatory maintains world class
The Tourist Observatory of the State of Guanajuato is transformed for 2023
In this 2022, the OTEG had important participations and continues in tr [...]

San Miguel de Allende has a new bridge
La Cieneguita received an investment of more than 82.4 million pesos
The Governor annouced more infrastructure for SMA
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CEAG bids water works
CEAG published the tender to build the water works
The tender is for water actions in Silao and Tarimoro
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