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Tag: Farmers

1 2 10 / 11 POSTS
SECAM provides drones to farmers in Penjamo

SECAM provides drones to farmers in Penjamo

Secretary Marisol Suarez reported that the equipment will help them carry out tasks in the plots Penjamo/Gto News To apply technology in agricu [...]
Guanajuato produces more lettuce

Guanajuato produces more lettuce

Between 2022 and 2023, there was an increase of more than 5 thousand tons in the production of the vegetable, making Guanajuato the national leader a [...]
Guanajuato supports farmers

Guanajuato supports farmers

The first delivery of the promised economic support was madedue to the unfavorable sale of their harvest The State of Guanajuato delivers support [...]
Guanajuato supports rural producers

Guanajuato supports rural producers

Governor announces financing strategy for the Primary and Agroindustrial Sector with loans of up to 500 thousand pesos and 2 million pesos The Sta [...]
Governor brings support to farmers of Dolores Hidalgo

Governor brings support to farmers of Dolores Hidalgo

This year we will be investing 1,356 million pesos for the Guanajuato fields: Governor Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en españo [...]
Governor ratifies more support for farmers

Governor ratifies more support for farmers

We want Guanajuato's livestock sector to continue to be a strong pillar of our economy: Governor The 24 Ocampo Regional Livestock Expo 2023 and th [...]
SDAyR promotes production of lemon

SDAyR promotes production of lemon

From 2015, 398 hectares of this highly demanded and profitable fruit have been planted Production of lemon is supported with 168,000 plants Da [...]
State supports producers in protest against CFE

State supports producers in protest against CFE

Paulo Banuelos accompanied Guanajuatenses to find a solution to their problems The guanajuatense producers were affected by inner problems in Fede [...]
Livestock production adopts technology

Livestock production adopts technology

The Technology Transfer Meeting for Livestock Farmers is inaugurated Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en español: Leon/Gto [...]
Services Caravan Contigo Si starts in Ocampo

Services Caravan Contigo Si starts in Ocampo

Rural producers receive support in this region of the North of Guanajuato Services and support in different areas are offered to Guanajuatenses [...]
1 2 10 / 11 POSTS