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Tag: education

1 5 6 7 8 9 12 70 / 118 POSTS
New education model presented at Grandeza UVEG

New education model presented at Grandeza UVEG

The Institution has a celebration as part of the of the activities of the 200 years of Greatness of Guanajuato Guanajuato/Gto News In order to [...]
17 years of IECA training Guanajuatenses

17 years of IECA training Guanajuatenses

There are 1,300 people trained and who have gone through the Institute's classrooms People who have been trained at the IECA give their testimony [...]
SEG strengthens higher education programs

SEG strengthens higher education programs

The agreement will make it possible to strengthen courses and diploma programs at the higher education level SEG signs collaboration agreement wit [...]
One thousand students get certificates

One thousand students get certificates

So far in the State Administration, more than 293 thousand people are now literate, said the Governor INAEBA is the first national place in attent [...]
Guanajuato Promotes its Education System

Guanajuato Promotes its Education System

They grant the Commission-Scholarship to teachers for postgraduate studies You are agents of change and we are very proud: Governor Leon/Gto Ne [...]
CONALEP Guanajuato students are awarded

CONALEP Guanajuato students are awarded

Guanajuatenses received the Bernardo Quintana Arrioja Prize and the ICA Medal, 2023 edition Guanajuatense students are awarded for their academic [...]
SEG works to transform education

SEG works to transform education

The Secretary focuses in a strong impulse to the training of teachers SEG works to strengthen reading and writing to transform education Da cli [...]
Education is reinforced with Republic School

Education is reinforced with Republic School

During the Induction Day there was an attendance of more than 750 participants More young people join the project: Republic School in High School [...]
UNAM campus San Miguel de Allende is inaugurated

UNAM campus San Miguel de Allende is inaugurated

Guanajuato makes history with the UNAM, for the benefit of the young Guanajuatenses A tripartite investment of 42.6 million pesos was made, by UNA [...]
Education Guanajuato and World Bank work together

Education Guanajuato and World Bank work together

The goal is to provide an overview and ensure the continuity of joint work Both organisms review the advance in education projects in Guanajuato [...]
1 5 6 7 8 9 12 70 / 118 POSTS