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Tag: education

1 10 11 12113 / 113 POSTS
Research is fostered in Guanajuato

Research is fostered in Guanajuato

The State, Municipality and UNAM invest 40 million pesos in the first stage of the construction of the education complex Guanajuato is going after [...]
Helping Guanajuatenses study abroad

Helping Guanajuatenses study abroad

Students are recognized at the “Talent for Export” program Hundredsw of students have been helped to go abroad and study masters or doctorates [...]
Celebrate the first generation of CETAC 12

Celebrate the first generation of CETAC 12

A dream come true for students of the first generation of the high school that gives a technician degree Students spent 3 years at the classrooms [...]
1 10 11 12113 / 113 POSTS