Tag: education
Mindfacture highlighted in Alliance Gto-EU
Guanajuato must strengthen its alliance with the European Union through education: Governor
The Governor offers the conference "The Guanajuato Str [...]
Guanajuato and France sign agreements
We want our young people to be global, because the more you know, the better your vision of the world is and, therefore, the better decisions are mad [...]
Report and Commitment
Governor of Guanajuato endorses his commitment to support the development of Leon
Mayor of Leon presented her First Government Report
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A new UG Center opens in Silao
University Officials are working to congregate more bees with this unit
The new University Unit of Silao-UG starts operations
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‘Contigo Si’ encourages young students
SEDESHU and SEG sign an agreement to combat school desertion and educational backlog, involving institutions like INAEBA, UVEG and JUVENTUDESGTO
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UVEG celebrates 1,624 graduates
They add UVEG graduates from Guanajuato, Mexico and the world
Virtual classrooms, the answer for the productive sectors
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Educating the workforce in Guanajuato
The goal of dual education in Guanajuato is to contribute to education and elegibility for work of young Guanajuatenses
SEG participates in the 2n [...]
UNO recognizes the work of UVEG
The virtual school of Guanajuato receives the international recognition for contributing to the development of Mexico
The Guanajuatense institutio [...]
CECyTE Guanajuato offers excellence
Today more than ever let's support our youngsters so they become responsible professionals and agents of change, said the Governor
Governor recogn [...]
Guanajuato invests in education
The State Government builds a modern school in Valtierrilla, Salamanca
The new building has new equipment that includes elevator
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