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Tag: education

1 8 9 10 11 12 100 / 118 POSTS
Education is offered to workers

Education is offered to workers

A collaboration agreement was signed by INAEBA and STIAA to benefit workers Education services will be brought close to workers in the automo [...]
Guanajuato trains its teachers

Guanajuato trains its teachers

More than 2,000 school authorities in the North region of Guanajuato strengthen legal and preventive issues SEG exceeds goal in training actions f [...]
Guanajuato conserves indigenous tongues

Guanajuato conserves indigenous tongues

The main languages ​​spoken are Uza or Chichimeca Jonaz, Otomi Purepecha and Mixteco Guanajuato bets on the preservation of mother tongues [...]
INAEBA invites paisanos to complete school

INAEBA invites paisanos to complete school

By passing a single exam migrants and their relatives can obtain their official certificate of basic education The Education withouth Borders prog [...]
Guanajuato first place in attention to illiteracy

Guanajuato first place in attention to illiteracy

More than 55,000 people learned to read, write and completed primary and secondary education with INAEBA The state agency exceeds the annual goal [...]
UVEG celebrates Graduation 2022

UVEG celebrates Graduation 2022

1,716 graduates of UVEG from all of Mexico gather for Graduation Ceremony Studying, working and attending personal activities is possible with UVE [...]
30 years of CECyTE Guanajuato are celebrated

30 years of CECyTE Guanajuato are celebrated

The Governor announced the investment of 3 million pesos by the State and 1.5 million pesos by the Municipality for the first campus of the CECyTE, l [...]
Mindfacture highlighted in Alliance Gto-EU

Mindfacture highlighted in Alliance Gto-EU

Guanajuato must strengthen its alliance with the European Union through education: Governor The Governor offers the conference "The Guanajuato Str [...]
Guanajuato and France sign agreements

Guanajuato and France sign agreements

We want our young people to be global, because the more you know, the better your vision of the world is and, therefore, the better decisions are mad [...]
Report and Commitment

Report and Commitment

Governor of Guanajuato endorses his commitment to support the development of Leon Mayor of Leon presented her First Government Report Da click [...]
1 8 9 10 11 12 100 / 118 POSTS