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Tag: Destination

Nine Mexican States will have their own OTEG

Nine Mexican States will have their own OTEG

The OTEG is an organism for technical, intersectoral and interdisciplinary analysis that has the purpose of monitoring, measuring and verifying the e [...]
Jalpa de Canovas to receive world emblem

Jalpa de Canovas to receive world emblem

The Magic Town Jalpa de Canovas in Purisima del Rincon received the emblem Best Tourism Village granted in mid October by the World Tourism Organizat [...]
The Marquesada Festival 2023 is presented

The Marquesada Festival 2023 is presented

These type of festivals help to continue positioning Salvatierra as one of the main tourist attractions nationwide Da click en el link al final de [...]
Guanajuato: Global Destination of Events

Guanajuato: Global Destination of Events

Our State will become the epicenter of business and international events in Latin America The Congress is part of the arrival in Guanajuato of Han [...]
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