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Tag: Citizens

Governor congratulates participants in Election Day

Governor congratulates participants in Election Day

Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, was pleased by the Election Day in Guanajuato on June 2nd were Guanajuatenses voted for Mayor [...]
Guanajuato protects its citizens

Guanajuato protects its citizens

Gto Health System exceeds one million doses of influenza applied Guanajuato/Gto News Guanajuato exceeded one million influenza vaccines adminis [...]
In Guanajuato citizen’s participation is promoted

In Guanajuato citizen’s participation is promoted

With the Citizen Participation structures, a Community Development Plan is established for the social development The only way to continue helping [...]
Citizens participation is key in Guanajuato

Citizens participation is key in Guanajuato

All Guanajuatenses are called to participate in overseeing government actions, work and nonitor public resources Guanajuato/Gto News “Transpare [...]
Distinguished Guanajuatenses are honored

Distinguished Guanajuatenses are honored

The local Government of Guanajuato City recognized the work of Guanajuatenses to make the great city it is today Da click en el link al final de l [...]
SEDENA calls all to report illegal acts

SEDENA calls all to report illegal acts

The Secretary of National Defense –SEDENA- is calling Guanajuatenses to anonymously report illegal activities The military organism calls citizens [...]
Guanajuato: The most open and transparent

Guanajuato: The most open and transparent

Guanajuato is the best evaluated among 1,365 public offices in Mexico in the three levels of government CIDE-INAI evaluates government opennes [...]
Guanajuato and Tec de Monterrey work for security

Guanajuato and Tec de Monterrey work for security

It is a privilege to provide our talent and capacity to this citizen’s effort and be able to present solutions, said the dean of TEC The goal of t [...]
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