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Tag: Best Tourism Village

Jalpa de Canovas is ready with the ‘Walnut and Quince Fair’

Jalpa de Canovas is ready with the ‘Walnut and Quince Fair’

Jalpa de Canovas Pueblo Magico is committed, starting with this event, to hold tourist events in a sustainable way 9,500 attendees are expected at [...]
Jalpa de Canovas has “Best Tourism Villages” plaque

Jalpa de Canovas has “Best Tourism Villages” plaque

Juan Jose Alvarez Brunel recognizes Jalpa de Canovas as a destination that has grown in a clear, orderly and precise manner In October, the Mayor [...]
Jalpa de Canovas to receive world emblem

Jalpa de Canovas to receive world emblem

The Magic Town Jalpa de Canovas in Purisima del Rincon received the emblem Best Tourism Village granted in mid October by the World Tourism Organizat [...]
Jalpa de Canovas is ‘Best Tourism Village’

Jalpa de Canovas is ‘Best Tourism Village’

The magic Towk is recognized by the WTO and is one of the 54 international tourist destinations awarded by the organism in 2023 “Best Tourism Vill [...]
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