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Tag: 200 Years

A celebration marks 200 Years of Guanajuato

A celebration marks 200 Years of Guanajuato

For one year, 1,220 commemorative actions were carried out. Authorities celebrate 200 years since the creation of the State Supreme Court of Justice [...]
A concert brings to an end celebrations for 200 years

A concert brings to an end celebrations for 200 years

More than 15 thousand spectators gather at the Guanajuato Bicentennial Park to enjoy Carin Leon For one year, 1,220 actions were carried out to ce [...]
Guanajuato presents its State Anthem

Guanajuato presents its State Anthem

In a solemn session of the State Congress, musicians presented the first intonation of the anthem of Guanajuato Más Gto/Guanajuato As part of t [...]
Guanajuato celebrates 200 years of freedom and sovereignty

Guanajuato celebrates 200 years of freedom and sovereignty

“We have a glorious history to continue building a present and a brilliant future; from this Free and Sovereign state, we will continue giving the be [...]
Purisima celebrates Greatness of Guanajuato

Purisima celebrates Greatness of Guanajuato

State and Municipal Authorities lead the Citizen Verbena as part of  the celebrations of the 200 Years of Guanajuato as a free and sovereign federati [...]
Leoneses celebrate Greatness of Guanajuato

Leoneses celebrate Greatness of Guanajuato

The State Government and authorities of the City Council of Leon, lead the activities of the 200 years of Guanajuato as a free and sovereign State [...]
Celebration for 200 Years of a Free and Sovereign Guanajuato

Celebration for 200 Years of a Free and Sovereign Guanajuato

Governor presides over the installation of the State Celebrations Commission. They will be held from June 2023 to June 2024 Citizens and organized [...]
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