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Suicidal conducts are reduced in Guanajuato

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Suicidal conducts are reduced in Guanajuato

Ligia Arce Padilla called all to act in a transversal manner among institutions to work for the mentally ill The State Mental Health Council 2024

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Ligia Arce Padilla called all to act in a transversal manner among institutions to work for the mentally ill

The State Mental Health Council 2024 works and strengthens actions of prevention

Guanajuato/Gto News

Thanks to the State Mental Health Network, suicidal behavior was reduced by 20% in Guanajuato, it was reported during the second ordinary session of the State Council of Mental Health and Addictions 2024 called CESAMA.

The Director of Mental Health of Guanajuato, Manuel Aguilar Romo, explained to members of CESAMA that although compared to the previous year, this year there is a decrease in suicide cases, the conduct continues to be a sensitive and worrying issue; since it does not represent a uniform decrease in all age groups.

The age group that is a priority are those under 15 years of age, mainly in the municipalities of Dolores Hidalgo and San Luis de la Paz.

Furthermore, unfortunately and despite the actions to counteract this phenomenon instituted by the Ministry of Health, an increase in this trend is reported in the age groups of:

  • 40 to 44 years of age
  • 45 to 49 years
  • 55-59 year old groups
  • as well as in the 60-64 year old groups

Aguilar Romo said that in Guanajuato they continue with a priority campaign to reduce, make visible and raise awareness on this issue.

Ligia Arce Padilla urged the agencies that make up this Council to join a single project and see the patient as a person who may have several health problems, hence the need to work transversally among institutions, knowing what each of them does to contribute to the care of mental health problems that threaten the population.

Arce committed to join the Council commissions to join efforts in suicide prevention.

In the council session it was announced that in terms of mortality compared to the year 2023 in the group of women over 20 years of age there was a 15 percent reduction in suicide.

The State Mental Health Network adopts the “Psychological Autopsies” that have been in operation since 2012, in which the possible causes of suicide are analyzed.

It was informed that the possible causes of suicide were because there was a legal record or a history of rehabilitation, other reasons are:

  • The loss of parents
  • Loss of a partner
  • Financial problems
  • Bullying
  • Sexual abuse
  • Child abuse

31 percent of families did not know if their family member suffered sexual abuse at some stage in their life, but 6 percent reported that there was abuse at some stage. Officials warned that after a family loss relatives must be vigilant, since some family members do not overcome the loss and the grief was not overcome and it can take up to three years for the affected family member to attempt against their life.