To the ceremony of graduation people come from many States of Mexico UVEG is one of the best virtual universities in the country Da click en el
To the ceremony of graduation people come from many States of Mexico
UVEG is one of the best virtual universities in the country
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Guanajuato/Gto News
With great pride, 2,587 graduates of virtual academic programs of the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato –UVEG- from all over the Mexican Republic gathered in Guanajuato Capital.

This institution has gained renown thanks to the quality of its contents, the personalized attention offered by advisors, tutors, Help Desk and a group of experts in charge of each subject.

Today UVEG is present not only in a large area of the national territory but also in other countries. Proof of this was the mention of graduates who studied internationally from:
- United States, Ecuador, France, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Costa Rica, Guyana and the Dominican Republic
“You were visionaries when sizing up the great potential of UVEG’s virtual classrooms, capable of housing not a handful, but hundreds of students, using the technology in favor of their own growth with a firm conviction that has placed them on the highest step of this process”, said the head of UVEG Ricardo Narvaez Martinez.

Today UVEG serves 44,813 virtual students, bringing more Guanajuato to the world, which is why we are working on streamlining our processes, updating programs and of course staying connected to the needs of society, industry and other educational institutions, adding to the vision of Greatness of the State Government taking the idea to action and action towards innovation”, said Narvaez.

The Director of JuventudEsGTO Guanajuato, Antonio de Jesus Navarro Padilla, especially addressed recent Guanajuato high school graduates, inviting them to participate in the activities and calls available on the portal:
that open the doors to the world for those who seek to develop their talents with educational stays and experiences that broaden their vision of life, paying significantly to the state internationalization strategy, Guanajuato Global, which has an investment of more than 250 million pesos only during this administration.

One of the most emotional moments occurred when graduates in wheelchairs (from high school and industrial engineering), received their recognition from the presidium, being cheered by the public due to their discipline and fighting spirit.
The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, joined the congratulations to the recent graduates of UVEG, who put the name of Guanajuato very high: “UVEG is one of the best virtual universities in the country it is a great pride and I invite you to continue applying the knowledge acquired, and I invite you to continue building the GREATNESS OF MEXICO together”.

The President of the Congress of the State of Guanajuato, Katya Cristina Soto Escamilla, congratulated the determination of the graduates for having stuck to their goal of continuing to study and pointed out the great opportunity that UVEG offers with an inclusive vision: “I want to use this momento to invite those who live with some disability, that they approach UVEG, because their dreams can also come true. For all of you present here from Guanajuato and other states, if you have already finished your baccalaureate, continue with your bachelor’s degree, and if you have already obtained that degree, go for a master’s degree or a doctorate.”

Parents, special guests and UVEG staff celebrated the success of these talented citizens at the Guanajuato State Auditorium.
UVEG adds another generation of successful citizens inside and outside Mexico who have the opportunity to access a better quality of life thanks to their studies carried out through UVEG’s 100% online classrooms.

Watch the Graduation Ceremony at:
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