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State and Cities commit with State program

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State and Cities commit with State program

The State Government and the 46 Municipalities sign the Coordination Agreement for Social and Human Development with the strategy ‘Guanajuato Contigo

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The State Government and the 46 Municipalities sign the Coordination Agreement for Social and Human Development with the strategy ‘Guanajuato Contigo Si’

It is a program for all municipalities of Guanajuato, with 18 State Agencies and more than 86 programs

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Leon/Gto News

The Agreement for the Coordination of Social and Human Development is signed by the State Government through SEDEHU, and the mayors of the 46 municipalities in Guanajuato.


Social impact

The signing of this agreement is the starting signal for works and actions of great social impact, in favor of the people who need it most.

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The Strategy

Governor of Guanajuato Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, explained that this signature is part of the Guanajuato Contigo Si Strategy; “It is for all the municipalities of the entity, in which 18 dependencies participate in more than 86 programs”.

Rodriguez Vallejo recalled that for this year more than 2.7 billion pesos will be allocated for works and social development actions in the 46 municipalities.

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Together and stronger

“We are going to work very hard with the Municipalities, because they are not alone, they have our full support,” said the State President.

Guanajuato Contigo Sí, is a social strategy that combines the resources and efforts of state authorities with municipal ones, plus society.

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The program is planned to address the social rights of the Guanajuato population, through access to basic services such as:

  • Drinking water
  • Drainage
  • Sanitation
  • Electricity
  • Social security
  • Education
  • Food
  • Housing
Agreement, Municipalities State Guanajuato 5

The commitments of SEDESHU and Municipalities are:

  • Implement progranms to strengthen social and human development
  • Execute programs and actions for the social and human development
  • Coordinate actions and works through social programs
  • Promote participation and social organization and of civil organizations
  • Push and promote strategies, diagnoses, community development plans
  • Complete the State Register of Beneficiaries of Social and Human Development Programs
  • Use State resources responsibly, correctly and transparently
  • Implement the system of indicators, which serve as a basis for understanding and assessing the design, operation, results and impact of State and Municipal programs for social and human development

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