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Social Pact for Education is signed

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Social Pact for Education is signed

Authorities work for the school reinsertion of some 80,000 young people who quitted school in the pandemic It is time to achieve a great evolution

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Authorities work for the school reinsertion of some 80,000 young people who quitted school in the pandemic

It is time to achieve a great evolution in education in Guanajuato, said the Governor

Social Pact for Education Guanajuato 2

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Leon/Gto News

To put an end to school dropouts and the educational gap derived from the pandemic, Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, representatives of educational institutions and civil society, signed the Social Pact for Education.


A new reality

“Today is the time to achieve a great evolution in education in Guanajuato. The pandemic has forced the education community, society, governments and institutions to evolve in the face of the new reality. To reinvent ourselves to be better,” said the Governor.

Social Pact for Education Guanajuato 3

Two fronts will be addressed shortly, the Governor explained:

  • First and of highest priority is that students who abandoned school during the pandemic return to the classroom
  • Second is to recover learning levels and beat education lag in Basic, Upper Secondary and Higher Education
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Four goals

This Social Pact for Education is governed by 4 objectives that seek for everyone to go to school; through recruitment strategies that reintegrate, guide and sensitize girls, boys, young people and parents about the importance of ensuring the continuity of their education.

Recover learning; through socio-educational intervention strategies that recover learning, empower and guide girls, boys and young people to continue and strengthen their education.

Clases master

The teacher

Recognize the figure of the teacher; through training actions aimed at teachers that strengthen their professional and socio-emotional development, as well as the incorporation of incentives that motivate and broaden their vision of the importance of their profession in the educational quality of students.

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Parents and children

And with the formation of parents of the 21st century; through strategies and actions that strengthen and increase the capacities of parents, allowing them to support and enhance the educational and development of their children.

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