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SMAOT increases network of sustainable buildings

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SMAOT increases network of sustainable buildings

With the installation of photovoltaic systems, the organism contributes to the mitigation of greenhouse gases Installs 56 photovoltaic modules in

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With the installation of photovoltaic systems, the organism contributes to the mitigation of greenhouse gases

Installs 56 photovoltaic modules in the Juventudes Guanajuato building

Guanajuato/Gto News

The State Government, through the Ministry of Environment and Territorial Planning -SMAOT-, is committed to expanding the network of sustainable buildings with a low carbon footprint, with the installation of 56 photovoltaic modules in the Juventudes Guanajuato building.

With an investment of 680,817 pesos, up to 22 tons of CO2 per year will be mitigated and economic savings will be generated by reducing electricity billing of up to 240,000 pesos annually.

The installed capacity guarantees 50% coverage with photovoltaic energy, with 30.80 kilowatts-peak -kWp- and a return on investment of 2.8 years.

SMAOT Sustainable Buildings Guanajuato 3

Through the General Directorate of Climate Change and Energy Sustainability, the SMAOT executes the “Energy Sustainability” Program, with the implementation of photovoltaic systems interconnected to the grid, in state public administration buildings, with the aim of reducing their billing in electricity, mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases and compounds from the electricity sector and accelerate the energy transition to renewable energy sources.

This new installation is added to the 1,781 modules in 21 work centers of the State public administration, 2 municipal work centers, 26 basic level schools and 1 higher level school, achieving an installed capacity of more than 747 kilowatts peak -kWp- that represent a total economic saving of more than 6.6 million pesos annually due to the decrease in electricity billing and an annual mitigation of up to 533 tons of CO2 per year.

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Our state has great potential in renewable energy sources, being attractive in particular when it comes to solar and wind energy. According to the Energy Regulatory Commission -CRE-, Guanajuato is in 10th position with the best solar irradiation, with an average of 6.17 HSP -peak solar hours-.

Considering all the photovoltaic systems installed in Guanajuato, we are located in 4th place nationwide with the highest installed capacity of distributed generation, which corresponds mostly to photovoltaic systems.

The State Government is committed to taking advantage of the potential that Guanajuato has in renewable energy and to energy sustainability as a mitigation measure for the adverse effects of Climate Change, generating sustainable buildings with a low carbon footprint, which represents its position to say yes to renewable energies and accelerate the energy transition in Guanajuato.