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SMAOT, associations and agencies plant 1,500 trees

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SMAOT, associations and agencies plant 1,500 trees

Through the 'Emblem Project', a coordinated strategy of SMAOT, GIZ and the State Secretary of Tourism, the protection of natural resources is promote

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Through the ‘Emblem Project’, a coordinated strategy of SMAOT, GIZ and the State Secretary of Tourism, the protection of natural resources is promoted

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Guanajuato/Gto News

Guanajuato strengthens reforestation actions with the participation of organized civil society, government and the private sector.


With the planting of 1,500 trees and native species, actions are strengthened to counteract the ravages of climate change with the ecosystem services they provide.

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Through the ‘Emblem Project’, a coordinated strategy between the Ministry of Environment and Territorial Planning –SMAOT-, the German Technical Cooperation Agency –GIZ- and the Ministry of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato, the protection of natural resources is promoted.

The head of the SMAOT, Maria Isabel Ortiz Mantilla recognized the participation of the actors involved for being leaders in the fight against climate change with the conservation of biodiversity.

“Now there are floods, that tells us that we have to act, we have to be the protagonists of that story, we cannot be mere spectators and I know that is why they are here, because they want to leave a tomorrow, a future for their children because in the end they are convinced that we want them to enjoy this planet and this beautiful country”, said Ortiz Mantilla.

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“There is no small action each tree we plant provides us with a super important environmental service a single tree can filter 28 kg of air pollution, it can provide water to 3 people for 1 year, with its roots it retains the soil, retains water, generates a microclimate , it protects us from the winds but also when we are in the sun and you are under the branches in the shade the temperature is between 2 and up to 7 °C less; a single tree is a small ecosystem, we do not see it but in the end also that moss, the insects are essential for our human subsistence”, said the Secretary.

In coordination with the Azteca Foundation, 900 trees were planted in the area of ​​the La Berenjena property belonging to the Joya del Pirul community of the Cuenca de la Soledad Protected Natural Area (ANP).

As part of this transversal work carried out by the State Government agencies for the benefit of Guanajuatense families, in coordination with the State Sports Commission –CODE-, 200 trees were planted in the Sports Center Las Torres in Leon.

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Finally, as part of the ‘Workshop on Environmental Responsibility in Agave Productive Zones’, producers from the Zapote de Cestau community in Penjamo learned about sustainable practices in the agave planting process and planted 400 native species in community lots.

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