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Sinfonietta MIQ comes to the Auditorium

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Sinfonietta MIQ comes to the Auditorium

The group is an initiative of  Juan Trigos, supported by the Iconographic Museum Don Quixote; 25 musicians play for Sinfonietta and the soprano

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The group is an initiative of  Juan Trigos, supported by the Iconographic Museum Don Quixote; 25 musicians play for Sinfonietta and the soprano Daniela D’Ingiullo

Its goal is to promote the great classics and, particularly, authors of the 20th and 21st centuries

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Leon/Gto News

During February and March, the Guanajuato Cultural Forum will receive in its Mateo Herrera Auditorium to the Sinfonietta Miq , as part of the camera music season of this forum and the first season of concert season the grouping.

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The Sinfonietta MIQ is an initiative of Mtro. Juan Trigos , with the support of the Don Quixote Iconographic Museum and its director, Lic. Onofre Sánchez Menchero; It is made up of 25 musicians and the soprano singer Daniela D’Ingiullo.

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The Sinfonietta is a musical project that emerged from the MIQ Musical Thursdays, a precedent that for ten years (2010-2019) managed to present more than 300 chamber music concerts in collaboration with the National Institute of Fine Arts, consolidating the Museum as one of the most musically prolific cultural venues in the country.

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The group’s objective is the dissemination of the great classics and, particularly, that of the authors of the 20th and 21st centuries, with an important presence of national music by recovering the figure of Mexican resident composers in each season. 

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It is an innovative project also due to its programming concept and versatility in instrumental combinations; each concert integrates a different ensemble, invited soloists and musicians of international stature. The repertoires that it presents cover the main aesthetic trends, genres and styles, with premieres both in Mexico and worldwide.

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Juan Trigos , is a composer and conductor of orchestra, creator of the concept of the Abstract Folklore. Of his extensive production, his operas, symphonies, cantatas and concertos for different instruments stand out.

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