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Should you isolate if you have Covid?

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Should you isolate if you have Covid?

Covid infections are up sharply across the United Kingdom, largely due to fast-spreading variants of Omicron called BA.4 and BA.5, reported BBC. Peop

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Covid infections are up sharply across the United Kingdom, largely due to fast-spreading variants of Omicron called BA.4 and BA.5, reported BBC. People with Covid across the UK are no longer legally required to self-isolate but the guidance about what to do depends on your age and where you live. The official list of Covid symptoms was expanded in April to better reflect patients’ experience of the disease:

  • Continuous cough, high temperature, fever or chills, loss of-or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell, shortness of breath, feeling tired or exhausted, aching body, headache, sore throat, blocked or runny nose, loss of appetite, diarrhea, feeling sick or being sick

The NHS says many of the symptoms are very similar to other illnesses, such as colds and flu, reported BBC.

If you think you might have the Covid, in England, the official guidance says adults with Covid symptoms should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until they feel better. If they do leave home, the government suggests wearing a mask and avoiding crowded spaces to avoid infecting others. If you tested positive and you are an adult in England, you’re advised to try to stay at home for five days from the day you took the test -or longer if you still feel unwell- and avoid those at higher risk from Covid for 10 days. If you have a medical appointment you should tell the staff about your result in advance, and the guidance says you may wish to ask others to do your shopping, as reported by BBC.


Watch against contagion

In the last 24 hours 1,161 new cases of contagion and 0 deaths caused by Covid 19 were reported by State and Health Authorities. Contagion is being watched in Guanajuato and cases of contagion reported are over 1,100 in the last 24 hours, while there were 0 deaths reported. Authorities maintain the color of activities in the GREEN easing restrictions on activities, both leisure and work.

State Health Authorities insist that Guanajuato should maintain health protection.

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