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SEDENA has over 6 thousand elements in Guanajuato

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SEDENA has over 6 thousand elements in Guanajuato

Another 1,550 elements arrive to support actions for public security SEDENA and the National Guard reinforce the Public Security in Guanajuato wit

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Another 1,550 elements arrive to support actions for public security

SEDENA and the National Guard reinforce the Public Security in Guanajuato with more than 6 thousand elements

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Sarabia/Gto News

“The Secretary of National Defense –SEDENA- through the XII Military Region Command and the 16th Military Zone, informed the public opinion about the arrival in Guanajuato of 1,550 elements, who will join the 4,989 elements that are already operating in Guanajuato, to add to a total of 6,539 elements of the Mexican Army and the National Guard deployed in Guanajuato and who do activities to guarantee public security in Guanajuato”, informed SEDENA.


In its press report SEDENA informed that “the federal level is deploying more elements to a group that is formed by units of the Mexican Army and the National Guard, who will be assigned to opérate in the municipalities of Acambaro, Abasolo, Celaya, Leon, Salamanca,Villagran, Irapuato, Valle de Santiago, Jerecuaro, Juventino Rosas, Purisima del Rincon, San Francisco del Rincon and Tarimoro”.

SEDENA Corps Public Security Guanajuato 3

The Secretary informed that “The elements are joining inter-institution operations already underway by joint forces of the three levels of Government, to achieve peace and security for the benefit of Guanajuatenses”.

“With these actions, the commitment of the Mexican army and the National Guard with the people of Mexico is confirmed. It is a commitment to watch and safeguard the well being of citizens, to guarantee peace and security”, reports the press release of SEDENA about its operations in Guanajuato.

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