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SEDENA calls all to report illegal acts

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SEDENA calls all to report illegal acts

The Secretary of National Defense –SEDENA- is calling Guanajuatenses to anonymously report illegal activities The military organism calls citizens

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The Secretary of National Defense –SEDENA- is calling Guanajuatenses to anonymously report illegal activities

The military organism calls citizens to create a culture of reports, strengthening peace and calm

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Sarabia/Gto News

The Secretary of National Defense through the Command of the XII Military Region and the 16th Military Zone, is calling Guanajuatenses to contribute to finding illegal activities through anonymous reports.

In a press release, SEDENA calls civilians to report immediately and anonymously any illegal situation.

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The Institution announced Guanajuatenses the means of contact to report:

  • Tel: 4111261570
  • e-mail: denuncia.16zm@sedena.gob.mx
  • Premises of the 16th Military Zone: Av. Del Cuartel, S/N, Col. El Retiro, Municipality of Villagran, Sarabia, Gto. 11

The organism informed in its press release that any reports received will be handled in a completely anonymous and confidential way. “For its attention by Authorities, so that citizens can go on with their everyday activities in a normal form, inviting all the population to create a culture of reporting illegal activities, strengthening peace and calm of Guanajuatenses”, reports the press release of SEDENA.

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“With actions like this, the Secretary of National Defense confirms its commitment with the people of Mexico, to watch and safeguard their well-being, and that they help in the activities to strengthen peace and security in society”, reported the press release of SEDENA.

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