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Sanitation work progresses in Purisima

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Sanitation work progresses in Purisima

The Secretary of Water and Environment is working to improve the infrastructure of drinking water for the benefit of Purisimenses Purisima del Rin

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The Secretary of Water and Environment is working to improve the infrastructure of drinking water for the benefit of Purisimenses

Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

The Government of the People through the Secretary of Water and Environment is working on drinking water and sanitation works that will contribute to increasing coverage in this area, which currently stands at 96.96 in vital liquid and an installed capacity for sanitation of 97 percent.

With a global investment of 15.1 million pesos in Purisima del Rincon, 3 works and actions are being built, among which the construction of the wastewater treatment plant that will provide service to the community of San Andres de Jalpa stands out.

At the same time, work is underway in this same area of ​​the municipality on the construction of the treatment plant for the towns of Jalpa de Canovas, Santa Eduviges, Tepetate and Huinduri.

With these hydraulic actions on construction, the environmental conditions in the regions where the works are being built will be improved, contributing to mitigating the sources of infection from wastewater discharges and also benefiting the population of these localities in Purisima del Rincon.

In addition, so that the inhabitants of the municipality have the highest efficiency of drinking water and contribute to improving the supply in their homes for each of their daily activities, third and fourth stage work is done to replace the drinking water network in sectors 4 and 5.

In this way, informs the State Institution, we are joining forces and coordinating hydraulic works and actions that allow us to advance in coverage and change the lives of families in Purisima del Rincon and in the State of Guanajuato.

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