The First meeting of the Mentefactura Node Network was celebrated in Irapuato Entrepreneurs are helped to innovate bringing a benefit to their com
The First meeting of the Mentefactura Node Network was celebrated in Irapuato
Entrepreneurs are helped to innovate bringing a benefit to their communities
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Irapuato/Gto News
The First Reunion of the Mindfacture Nodes Network was held in Irapuato, an event that brought together authorities, entrepreneurs and citizens committed to social change, in an important event in the Main Square of Irapuato.

“Nodos de Mentefactura” is a program that aims to structure an applicable and profitable business model for the social innovation projects that Nodos de Mentefactura has and with this reunion the articles prepared by entrepreneurial citizens belonging to the program were exhibited, in different communities of Guanajuato.

Adriana Ramirez Lozano, President of the System for the Comprehensive Development of the Family of the State of Guanajuato –DIF-, noted the importance of social innovation programs that empower citizens through financial freedom and community integration.
“Moving from Manufacturing to Mindfacture is an action that we proposed to happen in the communities, for this reason Red Movil in alliance with IDEA GTO we encourage citizens to change their mindset, to empower themselves and be entrepreneurs, this is social Mindfacture, everything that happens around a person, a community”, said Ramirez.

The President of DIF announced that, soon through the Mindfacture Node Plastic Wood, the production of high quality frames will be made aimed at providing glasses to boys and girls who need them most, reflecting Mindfacture’s commitment to society.

“Today is a very special day because in this main garden of our municipality there will be a sample of what these productive nodes are, as they promote the economy, sustainability and social innovation, driven through technology and science. Each of the citizens who participate already has a success story to tell, driven by entrepreneurship, which has managed to develop their communities”, said Lorena Alfaro Garcia, Mayor of Irapuato.

“It is a pleasure to work with Red Movil, which is an entire support structure for citizens, what we did with Nodes of Mindfacture was to put science and technology into it and encourage citizens to break paradigms, and that today they subtly teach us as every time how they make and create bigger things, and that is social and personal evolution”, said Juan Antonio Reus Montano, General Director of IDEA GTO.

“Our experience with the Nodes of Mindfacture program has been very satisfactory since, thanks to this symbolic relationship, we have begun to transform the waste from our recycling campaigns into various very useful objects. We are convinced that entrepreneurship and social innovation are the key to a successful economy”, said Damian Quintana Romo, Public Relations Director of Reyma.

In this First Meeting of Nodes of Mindfacture, different “trained to training” workshops were also offered in:
- Recycling, Vermicompost, Cosmetics and Edible Mushrooms
Participants received one-on-one mentoring sessions by the Global Network of Mentors, experts and leaders committed to the development and growth of entrepreneurs in Guanajuato
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