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Protect yourself against cold

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Protect yourself against cold

Low temperatures increase the possibility of getting sick and with the arrival of a cold air mass the possibilities mutiply Da click en el link al

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Low temperatures increase the possibility of getting sick and with the arrival of a cold air mass the possibilities mutiply

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Guanajuato/Gto News

In this winter season, people must protect themselves against cold, warned Dr. Daniel Alberto Diaz Martinez, head of the Gto Health System, in the presence of “ice waves generated by cold front number 19 and its arctic air mass” over Guanajuato and other states of the Mexico.

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On the eve of the New Year 2023, the cold front number 19 and its arctic air mass that came down on Mexico on Thursday of last week already causes low temperatures that will affect the Northeast, Center, East and Southeast of Mexico, with temperatures below zero degrees centigrade and frost.

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The states where this weather phenomenon affects more are:

  • Guanajuato, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Durango, San Luis Potosi, Aguascalientes, Queretaro, Hidalgo, Puebla, State of Mexico, Mexico City, Oaxaca, Chiapas and Veracruz
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The recommendations are:

  • Cover the lower part of the doors with pieces of cloth and the cracks with adhesive tape to prevent cold air from coming in
  • For your health when going out, it is necessary to wrap up and cover your mouth and nose
  • Eat seasonal fruits rich in vitamin “C”
  • Do not light fires or braziers in the room, only do it in well-ventilated spaces
  • In the presence of low temperatures, preferably avoid going out of home
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The respiratory syncytial virus -RSV- is a common viral disease. It usually causes mild cold-like symptoms.

It can cause serious lung infections, especially in babies, older adults, and people with serious medical problems.

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RSV is spread from person to person through the air by coughing and sneezing, or by direct contact, such as kissing the face of a child with the virus on it, touching an object or surface with the virus on it, and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing hands.

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