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Production is increased with fodder cactus

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Production is increased with fodder cactus

The productive capacity is strengthened with the sustainable management of fodder cactus in San Francisco del Rincon. A follow up with a practical se

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The productive capacity is strengthened with the sustainable management of fodder cactus in San Francisco del Rincon. A follow up with a practical session in the field is announced

San Francisco del Rincon/Gto News

The Secretary of the Farmlands, through the Agriculture of the Future Program and the Coordination of Alternative Crops, held a comprehensive training workshop for the sustainable management of fodder cactus in San Francisco del Rincon.

This event was held to provide tools to local producers to strengthen their production units and promote a circular economy in the region.

The workshop covered two main aspects:

  • Practical and theoretical training: Key topics were addressed, such as the establishment and maintenance of cactus plantations, pest and disease control, as well as the preparation of bioles and fodder processing
  • Producer Commitment: With 30 production units participating, attendees demonstrated great interest and commitment

After training, it was agreed to hold a practical field session on March 20th to apply the knowledge acquired.

This workshop reflects the commitment of the Secretary of the Farmland to train producers to face the current challenges of the agricultural sector, such as the shortage of fodder and high irrigation costs. By promoting the sustainable use of natural resources, SECAM fosters innovative agricultural practices that improve the productivity and sustainability of the farmland in Guanajuato.

This effort contributes to the region’s productive transformation, promoting the use of cactus as fodder and opening up new economic opportunities for productive families.

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