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Popular art in Nativities at Purisima

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Popular art in Nativities at Purisima

As a celebration of the mastership of Mexican popular artisans, the Museum Hermenegildo Bustos at Purisima del Rincon presents the exposition “Mexica

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As a celebration of the mastership of Mexican popular artisans, the Museum Hermenegildo Bustos at Purisima del Rincon presents the exposition “Mexican Nativity, Popular Art and Tradition”, with selected works of the collection Cultural Promotion Citibanamex.

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The exhibit is the last presentation of the year by the State Institute of Culture, and it includes 62 sets and pieces, from different parts of Mexico with special emphasis in Michoacan, Guerrero, Estado de Mexico, Veracruz, Puebla and Oaxaca.

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The works related to the Nativity of Jesus and presented in the exhibit are the product of the creative capacity of a group of talented Mexican artisans who are part of the Program of Support to the Popular Mexican Art that Cultural Promotion Citibanamex has promoted for a decade.

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Recreating the Nativity of Jesus in the manger in Bethlehem, as is described in the Bible dates back to the XIII Century and it is said that it was started by Saint Francis of Assisi, who enacted it with living characters in1223 in a cave in Greccio in Umbria, Italy, authorized by Pope Honorio III.

The exhibit is open to public at the Hermenegildo Bustos Museum until February 27th 2022 in the regular hours of the place, Tuesday through Sunday 10 am to 17 pm, it will close on January 1st. You should observe health protection protocole and wear a facemask and go through a sanitary station.

Purisima del Rincon/Gto News