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Platform Valley of Mindfacture.com, presented

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Platform Valley of Mindfacture.com, presented

Governor of Guanajuato announces that the call is open for the winner of the MindFacture Guanajuato prize It is the best point of reunion for

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Governor of Guanajuato announces that the call is open for the winner of the MindFacture Guanajuato prize

MindFacture Platform Guanajuato 2

It is the best point of reunion for entrepreneurs, programmers, designers, scientists, investigators, architects

Leon/Gto News

Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, presented the Platform Valley of MindFacture.com


A great ecosystem

“It is a portal to go into a great ecosystem that has in Guanajuato 37 industrial parks, 8 innovation parks, hundreds of startups, incubators and accelerators of businesses that are highly competitive”, said the Governor of Guanajuato.

“This is the best point of reunion for entrepreneurs, programmers, designers, scientists, researchers, engineers, architects and dreamers. For all those who want to go to the next level”, said the Governor.

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What we can do

“The platform will prove what we are able to do; in one single spot we provide all the business opportunities, alternatives of growth, strategic alliances and technological resources that we have in Guanajuato”, observed the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo said that the platform is a friendly, easy to use and easy to acces portal from the cellphone, tablet or computer. It is a digital space where you can interact, share and find other users. Where you can find answers to questions or consolidate a business deal.

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It’s easy and it’s free

“Here we will tell you how to do it. First you have to register, it is easy and it is free”, said the Governor at the event in the Art and History Museum of Guanajuato in Leon.

“Guanajuato is setting an example for all of Mexico of how to create and build as a collective. Each will provide their capacity and will make us all grow”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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Lots of resources

“Once you are registered you can be part of this great ecosystem of the Valley of MindFacture. You can watch the webinars, training sessions, entrepreneurial meetings, hackathons, bootcamps and the agenda of events that will be programmed. Also, you can find a lot of valuable content in the Masterclass section”, noted the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo also said that noted personalities from the business and technology world will give users tips, they will advice what to do and what not to do so that your company or business grows and doesn’t fail.

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Opportunities and assitance

In the platform there is a chat to guide you and find opportunities. Everyone who goes into the platform will be sure that they can be assisted and solve all their questions.

The Governor also announced that the call is open to grant the MindFacture Guanajuato prizes.

This call wants to show the resources Guanajuato has: entrepreneurs and visionaries, noted investigators, high impact projects, organizations that transform the society with technology, governments that use the findings to improve their services.

On February 21st the winners will be honored with the MindFacture Prize.

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“We want to recognize talent, promote good practices that drive innovation and entrepreneurship”

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo
Governor of Guanajuato

There are 5 categories:

  • Innovation and entrepreneurial culture
  • Scientific-Technological development promotion
  • Entrepreneurial innovation
  • Social innovation
  • Public Innovation

Plus a special prize:

  • Trophy to MindFacture
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Experience and innovators

Antonio Reus, Director of IDEA GTO, said the Valley of MindFacture is strengthened with this platform, because it is a bridge of entrepreneurial experience and young innovators.

“This platform will promote the opportunities that are generated in the ecosystem for people to develop their ideas and benefit growth in Guanajuato”, said Antonio Reus.



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