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Platform MAS MEXICO by CBO Alliance

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Platform MAS MEXICO by CBO Alliance

Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Queretaro and San Luis Potosi join efforts to put up a productive offer and link companies from their States wit

COFOCE makes it possible for companies to export
Pots from Guanajuato to the world
Guanajuato is 5th exporting state in Mexico

Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Queretaro and San Luis Potosi join efforts to put up a productive offer and link companies from their States with buyers in Mexico and the world

United for producers, suppliers and exporters

The goal is to reach US32,264 million dollars from the new business opportunities within the USMCA using the Business Platform

Guanajuato/Gto News

The Center, Bajio, West Alliance –CBO- formed by Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Queretaro and San Luis Potosi, presented the business intelligence platform MAS MEXICO Alliance System which will promote the products and services of the local companies to the big companies of our country, North America and other regions in the world that have trade agreements with Mexico.


Guarantee supply

The challenge is to guarantee the continuity of the supply chains through its connectivity; aiming to the big buying companies and the suppliers of these States will have linking channels that increase the productive connection. This is the reason why the CBO Alliance promotes this platform and the goals through the technological sistems are:

  • Accelerate the productive connection in the region through a systematic and automated connection offer-demand
  • Promotion of exports of regional companies integrating systems, productive capacities, products and processes.
  • New model of proactive and strategic management of new investment
The platform is ready

Use opportunities

This program will make it posible for companies in the región to take advantage of opportunities that are offered in the market in Mexico in matters of promotion of new investments, increase of regional added value and the promotion of exports, offering a propositive answer to the intelligence actions and promotion of Mexico abroad.

Eduardo Infante Priego, under Secretary of Investment of the Secretary of Economic Development of the State of Aguascalientes, talked about the two great business opportunities presented by the platform MAS MEXICO and the signing of the new treaty between Mexico, USA and Canada (USMCA), since the regional content of the productive chain will increase up to a 75%, which will compel the companies to buy more amounts of supplies within the three Countries, something that benefits suppliers who produce in Mexico, given their costs and quality.

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Great goals

This system will let the five participant States to be linked in a more efficient way. It is estimated that only for the automotive sector these new business opportunities for the next years represent more than US32,264 million dollars.

Another great area of opportunity is the trade war USA-Asia, which has USA imposing a 25% tax on Chinese products, which has made Chinese companies to turn to Mexico as a choice to manufacture its products that have USA as their final destination, and here is where MAS MEXICO will concentrate and will analyze this information for the attraction of new investments and promote business alliances of Asian and European companies with national companies.

Five States are working for their producers

A coonsiderable presence

The CBO Alliance represents almost a fourth of the number of beneficiaries of the Social Security in Mexico, a number that shows the importance of the region in jobs. In the States of the Alliance live 16.8% of the Country’s population, and, if they were a single State it would be the most populated in Mexico.

The percentage distribution of the GDP by State of Mexico has the area in the second place in Mexico while in Agriculture in GDP the area is first place. In exportation by State the area represents a little more than the fifth part of the total value of the exports from Mexico with 21.3% in the January-September 2020 period, and the region is in the first place in Mexico.

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Registration in the platform will be directly at:

Guanajuato is a State member of the Alliance


The Platform will let the CBO Alliance create programs of integration of the chains of value in Mexico through:

  • Standarization and data Exchange by companies
  • Minimize the time of creation of added value
  • Quantify the productive capabilities, products and/or processes of regional companies
  • Identify, quantify and analyze the value of the demand of components, processes and services
  • Adopt analytic models and BIG DATA for the constant monitoring of the market to get to better decisions
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