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Planet Youth Program is strengthened

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Planet Youth Program is strengthened

The Governor and the President of the State DIF System meet with Icelandic NGOs that work for children and families. Work tour begins in Iceland w

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The Governor and the President of the State DIF System meet with Icelandic NGOs that work for children and families.

Work tour begins in Iceland within the framework of the Planet Youth Program

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Reykjavik, Iceland/Gto News

Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo began a five-day work tour in Iceland, the forerunner nation of the Planet Youth Model.


The Governor and the President of the State DIF, Adriana Ramirez Lozano, and the State Secretary of Health, Daniel Alberto Diaz Martinez, held a meeting with Icelandic non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that work for children and families.

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“Today in Reykjavik, with the Planet Youth team, we had a very important session, where we have seen how civil society organizations participate together with the Government of Iceland, to prevent addictions in young people”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

“We take with a great learnings, but also the task of what to do in our state and country, thank you very much to the entire great team of Planet Youth,” said the Governor at the end on Monday of the work session that had the purpose of sharing experiences and actions in the topic of care for children, family and positive parenting.

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Rodriguez Vallejo said that Guanajuato has a great wealth in civil society organizations also called Non-Governmental Organizations, since they know how to team up and work in solidarity to meet social needs.

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The effort of all

The richness of citizen participation is strengthened through strategies such as the “Guide Alliance”, which adds to the work of the State, the strength of the Municipalities, the commitment of civil society and entrepreneurs, to guarantee the rights of girls, children and adolescents to live as a family, explained Rodriguez Vallejo.

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Knowledge and experiences

In the last 3 years, the State Government has given 163 grants to organizations.

“We take with us knowledge, experiences and good practices to develop them in our state”, said Adriana Ramirez Lozano, President of the State DIF System.

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Planet Youth in Guanajuato:

  • Planet Youth is a strategy for the prevention of addictions in children and adolescents, which has been adapted to the reality of the population of Guanajuato, its approach is based on public health and seeks to detect risk factors for substance use.
  • In 2019, the Government of the State of Guanajuato signed an agreement with the Icelandic Center for Research and Social Analysis-Planet Youth to implement the Model for the prevention of addictions “Planet Youth Guanajuato”.
  • Guanajuato is the first State in Mexico and in the world to adopt the Icelandic Model for the prevention of addictions in children and youth.

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