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Planet Youth for our children

Governor of Guanajuato presents the conference “A Public Policy for Prevention of Addictions in Young People” More than 100 thousand are alrea

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Launched, 2nd Planet Youth International
Preventing Addiction at ‘Planet Youth 2021’

Governor of Guanajuato presents the conference “A Public Policy for Prevention of Addictions in Young People”

Planet Youth Guanajuato Children 1

More than 100 thousand are already involved in the Planet Youth Model in Guanajuato

Leon/Gto News

In Guanajuato, more than 100 thousand people have become involved in the adoption of the Model Planet Youth, said Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.


Prevention first

Also 44,500 youngsters in some type of risk have received attention and 2,304 have been trained in prevention of addictions, said the Governor as he presented his conference.

The Governor informed that 3,466 workshops have been organized, helping more than 333,133 people in psicoeducation actions.

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The Icelandic Model

At the International Congress for Prevention of Addictions Planet Youth, Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo said that the adoption of the Icelandic Model includes a long term methodology, and that to begin with, “we take care of immediate needs”.

“This is a public policy of Prevention of Addictions, where other organisms participate in a transversal form”, said Rodriguez Vallejo. The Governor said that his Administration works to make sure children and teenagers have everything they need.

Clases master

Multiplying oportunities

“We are multiplying opportunities in education, training, health, access to culture and sports, because there is no better way to fight against addictions than generating opportunities of development to form good citizens”, said the Governor.

Any effort against addictions or insecurity is incomplete if it doesn’t include actions that work for the reconstruction of the social network. “And reconstructing the social network is no other thing that strengthening the connections that keep us as a society”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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United families

The Governor emphasized that in Guanajuato we are going to keep working for strong families because “in a united family addictions don’t come in”.

Five members of Planet Youth participated in the Conference of the Governor, they were:

Franco del Angel Guzman, Cecilia Martinez Rodriguez, Jordan Sandoval Salazar, Maria Leticia Alvarez Aguilar and Gladys Zepeda Ramos

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They shared their experiences about how they are working with kids and youngsters in their own municipalities:

  • Dolores Hidalgo, San Francisco del Rincon, Romita, San Luis de la Paz and Leon.
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Effective everywhere

The Planet Youth members recognized the work the Government of Guanajuato is doing through this model that has demonstrated it is effective everywhere it has been adopted, and they committed to keep working to achieve positive results for the benefit of children and youngsters of Guanajuato.

“We will keep working to create a better future for our children and adolescents, because that is the road to keep making of Guanajuato the Greatness of Mexico”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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