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New Council of Tourism in Guanajuato

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New Council of Tourism in Guanajuato

We need innovation and creativity so that the services and tourism sector reactivates, said the Governor of Guanajuato The reactivation is the mos

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We need innovation and creativity so that the services and tourism sector reactivates, said the Governor of Guanajuato

Tourism Guanajuato Council 2
The reactivation is the most important goal

People form the public, social and private sectors participate in the Council

Leon/Gto News

“We need innovation, participation, transverse actions, to push and strengthen one of the most strategic areas in the economy of Guanajuato”, said Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, as he witnessed the presentation of the new members of the Consulting Council of Tourism in Guanajuato –COTUEG-.

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Reactivate the sector

“We must plan in the short term in the local and regional tourism. We need innovation and creativity so that the services and tourism sectors are reactivated”, said the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo said that Tourism represents the 10% of the State GDP and that it is one of the most affected sectors in Mexico and in the world, for this reason, the Governor called everyone to work united in the recovery of these sectors in Guanajuato.

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All sectors should do a great work to reactivate the tourism industry

Work as a team

“I invite you to stay united, that we do a great work as a team. Let’s do it for the thousands of families that depend on this great tourism industry”, said the Governor,

COTUEG analyzes and directs plans on tourism matters; promotes the integral development of the tourist destinations in the State; presents plans for the integral development of the tourist regions in Guanajuato, and helps do the planning that is suggested in the Law of Tourism and other regulations; it also increases the quality of tourism services in Guanajuato, and it develops and evaluates projects, policies and programs of tourism promotion.

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Leon, Guanajuato is ‘Living Great Stories’

Living Great Stories

At the end of the event a giant ‘G’ was presented at the Cultural Centre of Leon; the G is part of the campaign “Guanajuato Lives Great Stories”.


A great job

The Secretary of Tourism, Juan Jose Alvarez Brunel, said that this Council will strengthen its function trhrough the experience of each of its members to achieve a collaboration for Tourism in Guanajuato and to do a great job to set off the sector.

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