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Nanotechnology against Covid 19

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Nanotechnology against Covid 19

CSIC researchers obtain a nanomaterial that eliminates coronavirus and is applicable in masks and fabrics. It is based on copper nanoparticles that b

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CSIC researchers obtain a nanomaterial that eliminates coronavirus and is applicable in masks and fabrics. It is based on copper nanoparticles that block the functional proteins of SARS-CoV-2, especially the ‘spike’ protein, which allows the virus to infect cells.

The researchers from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) developed the nanomaterial that blocks the propagation of Covid 19. The material, which has already been protected by patent, is applicable in the coating of surgical masks, in protective fabrics for hospital use, and in the coating of contact surfaces like handrails or knobs in public transport. Researchers plan its industrial development to bring it to the market.

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At Gto News we wish to inform about the everyday numbers the State of Guanajuato Secretary of Health reports on the continuing Covid 19 pandemic.

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Stay home, contagion keeps high

In the last 24 hours 376 new cases of contagion and 39 deaths caused by Covid 19 were reported by State and Health Authorities. Contagion is still high in Guanajuato and cases are now just below 400, while fatalities are below 40. Authorities maintain the color of activities in the RED restricting authorized activities, both leisure and work.

State Health Authorities insist that in Guanajuato it is mandatory to wear a face mask in public spaces indoors or outdoors, as they insist in bringing back down the number of contagion.

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Companies-employees against the virus

The agreement between State Authorities and entrepreneurs to observe health protection measures among employees who still go to work are reinforced with the RED color for activities. To consult the health guidelines agreed on by the parties visit: reactivemosgto.guanajuato.gob.mx.

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