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Tag: salud

Nanotechnology against Covid 19

Nanotechnology against Covid 19

CSIC researchers obtain a nanomaterial that eliminates coronavirus and is applicable in masks and fabrics. It is based on copper nanoparticles that b [...]
It’s a Holiday, Stay home

It’s a Holiday, Stay home

English variant infects even those with a surgical masks Less aggressive but more contagious, the English variant of covid is in Rome. Pier Luigi [...]
Prepare for a year’s end at home

Prepare for a year’s end at home

Contagion keeps at high levels, and Authorities urge people to increase self protection against Covid 19. At Gto News we wish to inform about the [...]
Drinking alcohol does not protect you against Covid 19

Drinking alcohol does not protect you against Covid 19

FACT: The popular belief that drinking alcohol "makes you immortal" is simply wrong, alcohol does not protect you against COVID-19 and can be dangero [...]
Covid 19 distinguishes blood types

Covid 19 distinguishes blood types

Type O blood seems to fight better the Covid 19 virus Preliminary data indicate those with Type A blood are at greater risk, while Type O may offe [...]
Strategies are focused in Leon

Strategies are focused in Leon

Health Authorities adjust Covid 19 actions Leon is the epicenter of the Covid 19 pandemic in Guanajuato, it reports the highest rate of contagion [...]
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