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Municipalities get Security gear

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Municipalities get Security gear

The State Government, through the State Public Security Secretary, delivers equipment to 30 municipalities of Guanajuato Governor presides over th

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The State Government, through the State Public Security Secretary, delivers equipment to 30 municipalities of Guanajuato

Governor presides over the delivery of the equipment along with Secretary of Security Alvar Cabeza de Vaca

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The Government of Guanajuato, through the Secretary of Public Security, delivered equipment to 30 municipalities as part of the Contribution Fund for Public Security Strengthening program for Public Safety. 


The gear includes:

  • 18 patrol cars
  • 164 ballistic vests
  • Investment for 25 million 500 thousand pesos
  • It benefits 30 of the 46 municipalities
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At the facilities of the Secretary of Public Security, in Guanajuato City, the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, with the Secretary of Public Security, Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini, and the Secretary of Government, Libia Denisse Garcia Munoz Ledo, delivered equipment to municipalities in all regions of Guanajuato.

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In his message, the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, stated that the delivery of the equipment is one step more to strengthen the municipal police, since this year the Contribution Fund for Public Safety 2022 was for a total investment of 350 million pesos for Guanajuato, of which the Federation contributes 75% and the State Government 25%.

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The Governor noted that this support is independent of the one billion pesos of the State Fund for the Strengthening of Municipal Public Security delivered in these 4 years.

Rodriguez Vallejo stressed that the FASP resource is intended for various security and justice projects in Guanajuato, such as the professionalization and training of police elements, violence and crime prevention. 

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He noted that this time equipment is delivered to 30 municipalities for a total amount of 24.5 million pesos, and it consists of 18 trucks and 164 ballistic vests.

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The Governor ended his message noting that beyond the numbers, his Administration seeks to continue strengthening the comprehensive security strategy, reinforcing municipalities to build state security to maintain coordination and collaboration between the three levels of government.

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The Secretary of State Public Security, Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini, said that the purpose of delivering this equipment is to contribute to actions for public security in the municipalities and stressed that the schemes in terms of security are also being strengthened in the área of the social prevention of violence.

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Cabeza de Vaca noted that with the investment of this day coming from FASP resources, during the present Administration they have benefitted:

  • 36 of the 46 municipalities received gear for Public Security
  • More than 81 million pesos is the amount of resources exercised in this area since 2018 to date
  • 81 patrol cars have been delivered
  • 32 motorcycle patrol cars
  • 401 armored vests
  • 466 tactical helmets

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