Governor attends the 2nd Business Meeting CANACO Leon "Capitalizing actions into results" Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en esp
Governor attends the 2nd Business Meeting CANACO Leon “Capitalizing actions into results”
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León/Gto News
“Micro, small and medium-sized companies are great generators of employment and an important engine of the Guanajuato economy. So far in the State Administration, more than 36 thousand MSMEs have been served”, said the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo.

The Governor spoke as he participated in the 2nd CANACO Leon Business Meeting “Capitalizing actions into results”.
“CANACO is the largest and strongest chamber in the center of Mexico, with more than 3,000 members. And above all, with people with a great vision, and who have definitely been builders of the Lion of today”, said the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo said that the presence and participation of organized commerce gives dynamism to economic activity and contributes a lot to the modernization and competitiveness of the city.
“And that is the story of greatness that CANACO–SERVyTUR Leon has written in these almost 110 years. So much so, that national leaders of CONCANACO have emerged from local businesses, as is currently our countryman and friend Hector Tejada Shaar”, said the Governor.

“Our recognition for all those who make up CANACO Leon, for all their effort and work in favor of the development of the municipality and the state,” said the Governor.
This business meeting “Capitalizing actions into results” is an initiative that the State Government has joined with great enthusiasm through the Secretary for Sustainable Economic Development, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

This Secretary participates in the organization and logistics of the event, through the development of a modern digital platform for scheduling Business to Business appointments, explained the Governor.
He recognized the more than 40 large purchasing companies that will be participating in this meeting for their trust in the Guanajuato MSMEs.

“In the State we support with structures of commercialization, financing, advice, consultancy and business technical assistance. Also fairs, events, forums and business meetings to increase their presence in the market and their competitiveness, said the Governor.
“We want micro, small and medium-sized companies to know that they are not alone; We have supported them and we will continue to support them so that they grow and continue to evolve in their way of doing business. We are encouraging them to fully enter digital culture and electronic commerce, since there is a global market to conquer”, said the Governor.
Rodriguez Vallejo recognized CANACO Leon and its president, Liz Vargas, for their support for the integral development of MSMEs and their work in favor of the development of Leon and Guanajuato.

Elizabeth Vargas Martín del Campo, President of CANACO Leon, highlighted the coordinated work that the chamber has had with the State Government to strengthen this sector.
Vargas said that the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism (CANACO ServyTur) Leon, has 109 years of history, in addition to being the largest and strongest chamber in the center of the country.
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